Vibe Check

Vibe. That is one over-used yet underrated word of today that means so more than it does in usual context. Vibration. Every particle that makes anything living and breathing has it. We’re all constantly sending out vibration and radiation. What would a world with no sound sound like? Oftentimes, when there’s that rare chance to catch no vehicle on the neighbouring streets nor children screaming at the top of their lungs nor insert any kind of noise you hear at your desk while you work from home during the pandemic, there’s that residual high pitch frequency. Funnily or ironically enough, the silence is pretty loud, but this isn’t residue. This is what your brain produces to silence the silence. What it tells me is that the body and mind somehow know, probably from generations of evolution gone by, that single frequency sounds without chaotic tempos nor information to listen for nor beats nor even melodies, are soothing.

A 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Ever wondered what sound healing does to your body? Even if you think you don’t, your body already does and it has been healing itself with it for a very long time. There are so many ways in which your brain need not be the only one in your body knowing and using the charming treatment, you can do it too. But of course, it requires that the healer become a listener first—an active one at that.

Breathe deeply and relax, stay comfy and maybe even close your eyes but don’t fall asleep.

Most people find it hard to concentrate when there’s no task to execute. It’s hard to stay still and just do nothing. By nothing, I mean, absolutely NOTHING. Breathe though. Breathe deeply and relax, stay comfy and maybe even close your eyes but don’t fall asleep. What should happen soon after is to have the mind wander a little or a lot and inevitably look for something to listen. Hearing is the heightened sense of the moment, drawing in all kinds of sounds, some pleasant, some otherwise nice. In that moment, fixating on the sound that has the best effect on your mind would bring a smile to your face.

Specific frequencies of sound from ancient instruments have aided our ancestors through the course of time, healing and nourishing them in ways we couldn’t decipher until we’ve heard it for ourselves. Think about the first time you heard the strumming of a guitar. A simple acoustic string plucked and left alone to slowly sustain before atmospheric pressure takes over to silence the sound. Such an intense feeling visualizing the sine wave taking shape. If you watch the string carefully, you’d probably even see the vibration. Like the string, you and I are also constantly producing music and swinging to own groove.

Watch Frog make his vibes be seen on water as ripples!

And like this frog, we too are but croakers, throat singing song makers, flute players, whistlers, grunters with funny laughter, etcetera.. leaving our trails of energy as we pass on by. Other passers by may stop and say hi or stay and croak. Such is the lifecycle of vibe check, helping us know ourselves and each other better.

When I listen, I listen to words if there are any. If there are words I don’t recognize or spoken in a language I don’t know or if there aren’t any words at all, it’s the tune on my tympanic membrane that does the job. Music is something I can lose myself in—good music like the sounds of Mother Nature, the tinkle on the harp, the crying of the violin, the hum of the sound bowl, the hang drum, patter-patter of raindrops, birds singing sweet songs, ragas of gentle Carnatic, Sean-nós in a children’s choir, Enya kind of Celtic, all this and so much more!

One my all time favourite meditative mixes.
It does get a little dark in the middle but hang in there and you’re in for a journey inside but out of your mind.

When I speak and sing, I couldn’t be as magical as these sounds make life out to seem, so I put on a brave face and let my intensions do the talking. What’s your vibe?

One response to “Vibe Check”

  1. […] that are lingering below the surface. Prepare yourself for an exercise to reveal what’s been hiding in plain sight! […]


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